All Time Stats

Below list the all time stats from our league. This pages gets updated once a season and contains all the stats take from 2016-2021. Our league started in 2015, but stats weren’t kept from that season, so we have to go without those numbers unfortunately!

As the criteria of how we took stats expanded over the years, some of the below isn’t perfect, such as INT numbers on QBs used to be combined into one category.

Much like our season stats, the below only includes stats from our regular season games and does not count any additional playoff stats as well.

Passing Stats

NamePassing TD1 XP 2 XP INTINT Returned for TDINT Returned for2 XPINT Total
James Alderton11234004
Ant Armstrong3003003
Sam Barrell4500001
Ed Blewett1002002
Vaughn Botes0001001
Hugh Bowsher97592298239
Chris Burnet10065011
Alex Cutts-Watson0102103
Brandon DeChiara2001192011
Rob Domaille109593511052
Jordan Falla1000000
Alex Fallaize1523255030
Luca Finetti37170203025
Jordan Gallienne84286113020
Nick Gaudion329100010
Dan Guilbert2015323585086
Callum Hockey7211104
Aidin Hunt1310185023
Matt Jackson14506108
Jamie Jenner63073010
Scott Jones0001001
Matt Kershaw0000101
Si King21653485111170
Josh Kinns1001001
Sam Loveridge1100000
Luke Pattimore12832174714366
Johan Pols5004108
Luke Rabey5123003
Jack Romeril 1000000
Steve Scraton23157418395
Matt Skillett46131424046
Josh Smale1110150015
Sam Teers0010000
Matt Thomas631514244028
Simon Tidd2004004
Aaron Walsh6304004
Paul Wilkes62324407249

General Playing Stats

NameRushing TDReceiving TD 1 XP 2 XP INTINT Returned for TDINT Returned for2 XPTotal INTSacksSafety
Sandy Adams0300100110
James Alderton3681113381014920
Ant Armstrong23717318202010
Kieran Ashworth2100100100
Matt Banton0200300300
Sam Barrell086412301510
Blake Batiste0882900900
Craig Batiste158554408263
Peter Beausire02511313401700
Ed Blewett016111260800
Vaughn Botes0600000000
Hugh Bowsher0000000000
James Bowsher015110720900
Chris Burnet3116015311960
Alex Cain0001100171
Sam Clark0100100130
Declan Collenette0100000000
Jacques Colley01466400451
Ash Conquest0220000030
Kieran Creber0000000000
Chris Croft0141202114431
Robert Cruickshank0000000030
Alex Cutts-Watson0930200200
Thomas Cutts-Watson1750500510
Dave Davison0512200200
Eric Deane015733104130
Brandon DeChiara0100000000
Rob Domaille2970400420
Mike Donaldson2332100100
Andy Dufour0110000000
Harvey Ephgrave0000000010
Iaan Erasmus0100100100
Michael Faliszewski01621800800
Jordan Falla272112101330
Alex Fallaize0202000000
Brandon Ferbrache0410200250
Chris Ferbrache1000100100
Luca Finetti062273235028121
Ben Fitchet0000000010
Saad Frihmat0100000010
Elliot Gallienne03311523002300
Jordan Gallienne0000200200
Nick Gaudion0521900900
Lewis Germain11830420600
Ross Gorman0000100110
Chris Grantham0621200200
Will Gray0000000020
Dan Guilbert0000300350
Martyn Guilbert0000000000
Dan Hainsworth0100000010
Dave Hall0311300300
Theo Hannah0000000000
Charlie Hilton-Smith01021200200
Callum Hockey11632620800
James Hollis1444520602610
Matt Holmes0400110200
Jason Hull13912211501610
Aidin Hunt0703900900
Matt Jackson448285185225161
Jamie Jenner117327108482
Scott Jones1354814301700
Daniel Keltie0520000010
Stuart Keltie1286719202110
Matt Kershaw127231102122
Si King0126013301671
Josh Kinns62141401500
Tom Kirk0201100100
Alex Kosmas0330700700
Sam LeBachelet1972010130
Dan LeCheminant22045102012301
Ben LeMaitre0000100100
Cameron LePrevost0412410531
Jack LeTissier 0000000000
Marcus Lewis0200020210
Sam Loveridge0210500500
Tom Lowe0154415512100
Michael Lyner0001200200
Gary Maclachlan0761110200
Conor Manganaro1137020002000
John Marsh 0200010100
Tom Martin0731000073
Chris McGibbon0522410500
Matt McKenna0100100120
Josh Mead0100000000
Dave Middleton01330300310
James Monk315203003201
Jordan Mould0310000000
Stewart Moyles0011110200
Luke Pattimore0600300300
Josh Pemberton0100200210
Miles Pengelley1001300300
Johan Pols34721630403400
Luke Rabey7254723402720
Matt Renouf0200000080
Jack Rhodes014160020200
Pete Robinson0020100110
Jack Romeril1182108301100
Tristan Rudd0130000020
Matt Saltmer2350800840
Ben Sangan0000000000
Tom Sangan0810300300
Ben Saul1110000000
Nick Schofield1840200200
Steve Scraton0000200210
Matt Shields0400000000
Matt Skillett2190322002290
Tim Skillett0200100190
Josh Smale01511210320
Connor Sullivan0300000000
Sam Teers612225511140
Matt Thomas0210000000
Owen Thomas0410800800
Lewis Veron1520200200
Aaron Walsh0670200260
Paul Wilkes0344110250
Joe Wilkinson0010000000
Charlie Williams0103011101220
James Williams1618923703000
Joe WIlliams0300000020
Rob Williams5597730813910
Stefan Williams0340200200